What is your Measure?
Your résumé? Your eulogy?


 In 2020 while thinking about ideas for my next project, I watched David Brooks' Ted Talk "Should you live for your résumé or your eulogy?".

As is frequently true, I found both that I agreed with his thoughts and was challenged by them.  From thinking about his talk, this project was born.  It represents how I put the question to myself.  Am I measuring myself by my résumé, or my eulogy?  It is true the answer may not be as binary as presented by the question, but for me it is a useful way to challenge myself.

It is designed to be functional, and a constant challenge.  It is constructed from 300 series stainless steel and engraver's brass.  The stand is made of Ziricote, a hardwood from Central America and Mexico.

As noted above this project came from viewing a TED talk by David Brooks. You can see that talk at the TED Talk web site (link below), or on Youtube.com.

David Brooks: Should you live for your résumé ... or your eulogy? | TED Talk

I have gone through multiple iterations of this design, but what I have settled on is a 6” ruler made from 300 series stainless steel, with a brass insert on both the top and bottom sides. Something simple, and permanent which can easily sit on a desk, or shelf and hopefully occasionally provoke a thought.


Studio Sign